What Does It Mean To Be An Accredited College?

When you’re choosing a college to attend it is extremely important that you make sure the college or university that you’re picking is accredited. No matter what type of program or industry that you’re looking to go into, accreditation is vital. But what does it mean to be an accredited college? The term accredited gets tossed around frequently, and while you may think you understand what it means, you may not. In this blog post, we will be discussing what it means when a college tells you that it’s accredited. Keep reading to learn more! 


What is accreditation in the US?

Accredited colleges in the United States have to meet standards that are established by private agencies. This system is different from many other educational systems because the US government is not involved in the accreditation process. Basically, what an accreditation does is it ensures that the college is meeting a certain standard for its education. For example, here at Galaxy Medical College, we are approved by the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education (BBPE) and hold national institutional accreditation by the Accrediting Bureau for Health Education Schools. Due to this, we are able to offer short-term training programs, Diploma granting programs and AOS Degree granting programs. We are also recognized by the US Department of Education under the Title IV, Federal Student Aid program. Click here to view more about our accreditations and approvals. 


If you’re choosing a school for a specific profession or specialization, it is very important to choose a college that has accreditation due to licensing purposes. For example, if you’re looking to go into the medical field as a medical assistant, it is important that you go to a school with the right accreditation. If you are not at a program that is accredited, it lessens your validity when applying for a job in that field. If you are unsure whether or not a program is accredited, don’t be afraid to ask. If they are, they will have no problem in showing you their credentials. 


Why is it so important? 

Of course, the main reason this is important is because it fully validates all the hard work you’ve put in and it also allows those to know that your education and skills are legitimate. Studying at an accredited college also allows you to know that if you transfer into a new college or have to move, those credits that you’ve received will be transferred and accepted at your new place of education. You’ve already put so much time, effort, and money into your education, it would be a shame for you to have to start from scratch again. Accredited schools may also qualify to participate in federal and financial aid programs, along with employer tuition assistance. 


Why choose Galaxy Medical College?

Now that you know what it means to be an accredited college, we’re happy to let you know that Galaxy Medical College is a fully, nationally accredited college. We offer the following programs: Substance Abuse and Addiction Counseling, Healthcare Administration, Medical Assistant, Health Claims Examiner, Pharmacy Technician, Phlebotomy Technicians, and CPR/First Aid. We also care deeply about our students; we want them to succeed, and we want to do everything we can to help them. That’s why we offer free tutoring, child-care referrals, and career counseling. Our graduates’ job placement rate is 86% (according to our 2017-2018 annual report data). If you’re looking to take that next step in your education and set yourself up for success, connect with us today. We’d love to speak with you about your options here at Galaxy Medical College. We look forward to hearing from you! 


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