6 Best Study Tips for College Students

When you succeed… we succeed! Good study habits can make a huge impact on your college learning experience and in your future in the medical career! Use these tips to boost your study habits and ace your classes!

Get (and stay) Organized

A cluttered space = a cluttered mind! Make it a priority to organize your space and your school work/notes. Using tools like sticky notes to remember important textbook pages can come in handy and simplify your life when you need to find information quickly. Also, it’s a great idea to keep a detailed calendar with all your commitments, including due dates for assignments, social events, and extracurricular activities. Make sure to keep your schedule in a visible space and go through it daily. Most importantly – block out time each day to study and stick to it!

Get In The Zone

Your environment makes a difference when you study! Some people need and prefer spaces that are quiet when they are studying, and other people do better in not so quiet spaces like coffee shops. Whatever inspires you and gets you in “the zone” is great! You may need to try a few different kinds of environments and see what works for you.

If you study at home – create a nook or corner that inspires you and is comfortable. You can light candles, listen to music, or close the door and work in complete silence. If you prefer busier places like coffee shops, that is just as good. Find one that you really like and remember to choose a place where you can limit distractions. Remember that things, like running into people you know and losing focus, will throw you off course. They key is to find YOUR perfect space and get down to business.

Take Good Notes

Taking good notes does not come naturally to everyone. But did you know that taking good notes can have a significant impact on your grades? Just like finding your “zone” to study – you need to find your “note-taking zone.” If you are a visual learner – you may want to have colored pens and markers and make your notes fun. Some people find that taking the time to re-write your notes after class can also really help you remember the content.

Recording your class lectures can also be beneficial. Purchase a mini recorder or use your phone’s recording feature and listen back to the lectures at your leisure. Just make sure to ask your professor before doing so.


With websites like Facebook, YouTube, and SnapChat (and phone features like texting), you can get really distracted without even realizing it. Nowadays, it’s harder than ever to stay focused, especially since most students use their computers, phones, and tablets for virtually all their schoolwork. Set boundaries for yourself! When you block out time to study, make sure to turn off automatic updates on apps like Facebook. Limit the distractions as much as possible and reconnect once you are done.

Don’t Cram

DO you find yourself waiting until the last minute to study for a huge test? Good study habits come from pacing yourself. Cramming information results in retaining less information. Even if you feel you do better on tests when you cram, you actually do worse down the line. You may remember the information on the next day, however, a month later, everything you crammed is now forgotten. (and you don’t want to forget important medical information when you are actually with a patient in the future!) Study a little bit each day – review your notes or re-read a chapter. This will help you remember what you learned.

Don’t Overdo It!

While some people like to cram right before an exam – there are also others who are over-studying! Don’t overdo it, as it can really burn you out and cause additional stress. Balance is the key!

When blocking out time in your calendar (tip #1) make sure to schedule a day or two off per week if you can. It’ll help you stay energized and at peak mental condition. Also, learn to take breaks! A 10-minute break to stand up, stretch, or grab a snack while studying can actually revitalize you and help you retain information.



College can be overwhelming, but learning and practicing the right study habits (for you) can ease much of the tension and stress! Take these tips and use them to create that perfect study environment and stay consistent! Little changes made can make a huge impact. Find what works best for you! Remember, your professors are always there to help if you start feeling too overwhelmed.

Do you have a great study habit or technique that works for you?

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