Each program start date varies. You can find information on each of our programs on our website on that program’s page. Health Claims Examiner Medical Assistant Pharmacy Technician Phlebotomy [...]
Each program varies in length. You can find information on each of our programs on our website on that program’s page. Health Claims Examiner Medical Assistant Pharmacy Technician Phlebotomy [...]
Tuition varies by program. You can find information on each of our programs on our website on that program’s page. Health Claims Examiner Medical Assistant Pharmacy Technician Phlebotomy [...]
We do not currently provide housing for students. The cost of housing can range from $800 – $1500 in the North Hollywood area. This institution accepts no responsibility to find or assist [...]
Despite the fact that employment cannot be guaranteed by any educational institution, in accordance with Californian law, our representatives guide graduates to the best available jobs in the [...]