When you’re choosing a college to attend it is extremely important that you make sure the college or university that you’re picking is accredited. No matter what type of program or industry that [...]
Want to be the first to know about job openings? Subscribe to our monthly e-newsletter HERE. ***Various Openings*** CVS Pharmacy | Throughout Los Angeles Galaxy recently partnered with CVS and [...]
Most people think they know everything there is to know about interviews, but some of the simplest things are often overlooked and could be costing you that ideal position or promotion. To help [...]
When it comes to postsecondary education, the choices are endless: Public or private? Degree, diploma or certificate program? Full-time or part-time? Online courses or traditional classes? [...]
You may have noticed we started a new #FinancialAidFriday series on our social media accounts. This is designed to make interesting and important information regarding student loans easily [...]
We’re currently looking for new instructors for our Pharmacy Technician and Medical Assistant Programs and a program director for our new Physical Therapy program. See job details below. [...]
This article’s headline may seem to pose some silly questions. You’re probably thinking, “I already know what professionalism is and why it’s important. Everyone does.” But, do you really know [...]
Perhaps you noticed Galaxy Medical College’s recent social media campaign featuring factors that separate Galaxy from other schools… just in case, we’ve compiled all the posts [...]
One of the first questions people ask when considering going or returning to school is, “How much will it cost?” Many students worry that tuition and other costs make higher education or a career [...]